Tuesday, March 2, 2010

what now?

so what now? after not getting to talk to baby boo for more than two days, now another problem. hais... fights after fights. really hoping that all these happenings are just another concrete stepping stone for me to further strengthen my relationship with him. i am definitely not letting these happenings cause further harm to my relationship. but for this to not to happen, i will of course need co-operation from baby boo. so far now, he hasn't want to co-operate yet. and i don't know why. maybe he isn't aware of what i'm trying to implant here.

*dear love angels of GOD,
please help me in all these.
dear God, you know that whatever that has happened to me is up to its maximum. not that i'm not being responsible, but i know i won't be able to cope it well. and i need help from you. you're the only one i can turn to and seek help from.
i realise i have been pulling myself far away from you. its not an easy feeling. being far away from you is my greatest fear. ILY.